Kaneshon no Linh

Kugane Fixer. Private Investigator. Handler and Local.


Name: Kaneshon no Linh (Ka-ne-tion noh Linh)
Nicknames: Kane, Linh
Age: 22
Birthday: he forgot
Bodytype: Athletic
Bloodtype: O
Occupation: Mercenary
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship Status: Single

Personality Quirks: Optimistic, Semi-Social, Flexible, Intuitive, Passionate, Show-stopper, Jealous, Irresponsible, Forgetful

Likes: Fruits, Sour things, Annoying others, Cocktails, Bad jokes, Sparring
Dislikes: Garleans, narcisstic people, Onions, the Spotlight, Sudden loud noises


A born Hingan, Linh has been growing up spoiled and cocky. Under the protection of his family, he's been annoying a great many people and family in Kugane.This naturally lead to the displeasure of his family, though Linh had never paid any heed to it. Eventually his hubris led to picking fights with the wrong people, causing his live to shatter as Garleans killed and kidnapped his family right out of Kugane's heart.Being left as sole heir to the Kaneshon clan, Linh had to fend on the streets to make ends meet, ever fighting against hate, anger and hunger amidst the poor. Eventually rebuilding his former network of connections throughout Kugane, the Raen began collecting similarily-minded people to fight back against the Garlean forces occupying the Far Eastern lands.Driven by an eternal hate to revenge his family, Linh had his mind set on bringing an end to Garlean oppression in the most bloody fashion possible, void of any hope for his family to be still alive somewhere out there.Following the Events of Endwalker though, he's left devoid of purpose, seeking to find a new path for himself, somewhere out there.


> If you are a Merchant / Trader or just need Protection or a Job done, Linh is a known fixer, and can always hook you up to the right person, for a favour, of course.

> He can often be seen in Bars or Taverns, eating and drinking for whatever reason. He meets anyone nearby with an alluring smile, so why not have a seat and drink with him?

> If you've another idea in mind, feel free to offer it! I'm open to a lot of things and these are just some typical examples. Linh's honestly quite approachable.

Contact Me!

Hey there!Thanks for checking out my carrd! It's not much yet but I'll try to make it better as time goes.
You can call me Linh, I'm a 19 yo male from Europe!
Server: Mateus
My Timezone: CEST (GMT +2)
My Discord: Naefnair#0001
I'm looking for: Plot and/or Smut, though I prefer the latter to just happen as characters interact and the relationship evolves, and it doesn't even need to happen in the first place if you don't like to.
Currently, I'd prefer long-term RP over one-shots but in the end I'm alright with either.
Sorry in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes I make, I'm German and my English isn't perfect. I'm trying though!